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1. Ms. Kay Rambaud for TEDx logo design


2. Ms. Cathy Kemp and Peach for design of the tickets, program, advert flyer, and name tags


3. Ms. Emily Adamsand her ES Art students for stage design


4. Ms. Crystal Ellis for planning the food for the day


5. Mr. Eric Monson, Ms. Sara Ghorayeb, and Ms. Shirley Gamble for their support


April Slagle and Dominick Bruso

(event organizers)




Graphic Design 

Peach Leelachart




Our Photographer

Chindanai Damrongmongkolgul (Chinjang)


Chinjang started shooting photos with a small Fujifilm digital camera on his 10th birthday. He loved taking photos of landscapes and some portraits. In 2010, a Canon E500 DSLR was his traveling tool during his vacation to California, Stanford University, Yosemite, New York, Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Big Sur, the Niagara River, and Boston where he took thousands of photos.  When those images were shared with the public, they received overwhelmingly positive feedback.  Being superbly inspired, he decided to take his hobby seriously.  His father, seeing his determination in taking photos, recently decided to gift him a Canon 5D--and that was the beginning of his young life as an more advanced photographer.


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